How to Increase Your Chances Of Getting Custody Of Your Child

Even under the best possible circumstances, divorce is stressful. For one reason or another you and/or your spouse have decided that it will be best if you go your separate ways, and a lot of decisions must be made regarding how you will divide assets, belongings, and responsibilities. Things get even more complicated if you have children together, especially if you and your spouse disagree about custody arrangements. If you are preparing for a divorce at the Lake of the Ozarks in which you believe custody will be contested, having the representation of a skilled divorce attorney in Osage Beach MO can make a world of difference. A Note On Child Custody When determining custody, the court will try to identify the best interests of the child and how those best interests can be met. When you're in the middle of a custody battle, it's important to remain calm, balanced, and rational as you demonstrate to the Court why you are the parent best equ...