
Showing posts from February, 2016

What Is Alimony?

Filing for divorce at the Lake of the Ozarks marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of a new one filled with possibilities and unknowns. Almost every aspect of the couple's lives will change, but finances are a factor that weigh particularly heavy on the minds of many divorcing couples. This is especially true for couples in which one individual makes significantly more money than the other or in which one individual stays at home with the children, not bringing in any income whatsoever. In these situations, alimony may be awarded to help offset the financial discrepancies. Alimony - A Quick Overview Alimony is designed to help divorced individuals who may not earn enough income to support themselves in the manner they were accustomed to during the marriage. Sometimes called "spousal support" or "maintenance," alimony is a monthly payment the higher-earning spouse is ordered to pay the lower-earning spouse. The Courts recognize that in many sit...

Giving Your Business A GREAT First Impression

Your business is your livelihood. As the owner, you'll want to do everything you can to ensure that your company leaves a great first impression with every potential customer it comes in contact with, and leaves a positive lasting impression with everyone who uses you services or products. There are a lot of background procedures that must be executed to ensure that your business runs properly, but the impression you leave with your customers is a vital component of your business' success. 4 Ways To Help Your Business Make A Great Impression 1. Draft Solid Legal Contracts When it comes to business transactions, you have to be organized. This is especially true when it comes to business contracts. Your contracts must be thorough and legally sound in order to protect your business endeavors. A well-written contract also goes a long way towards improving your clients' impressions of your business, as a well-written contract excludes professionalism. 2. Know Your Bu...

5 Ways To Reduce Your Risk Of A Car Accident

Auto accidents happen in an instant, but they can have long-term repercussions. Depending on the severity of your accident, you may suffer any number of undesirable consequences, including: Moderate to severe physical injuries Increased auto insurance rates Costly repairs Extensive legal procedures Reducing Your Risk Of A Car Accident As the old saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. We have discussed the steps you should take immediately following a vehicle accident, but what are some things you can do to prevent an accident from occurring in the first place?  Here are a few strategies you can use to help lower your risk of a car accident. 1. Double-Check Your Blind Spots Never underestimate the power of your blind spots. The "blind spot" is the area next to and slightly behind your car that you cannot see in your rear-view or side-view mirrors. Before turning or changing lanes, you should always look over your shoulder to double-che...