How the Statute of Limitations Impacts Your Personal Injury Case

Clients often want to know if they’ve waited too long to file a personal injury lawsuit after an automobile accident. When you can file a personal injury claim as a result of injuries sustained in an automobile accident is governed by state law, referred to as the statute of limitations. This regulates the time limit an injured automobile accident victim may bring a claim for damages against an at-fault party, alleging that the at-fault party acted negligently or recklessly in causing physical injury and that you should be compensated as a result. If you have sustained an injury as a result of an automobile accident, contact O'Donnell Law Center to discuss your options with a qualified attorney at the Lake of the Ozarks . Statute of Limitations If you’ve been injured in an automobile accident as a result of someone else's negligence, you have a limited amount of time to file your claim. In Missouri, the time limit is five years. If you do not file your lawsuit within ...