Different Steps You May Encounter During the Divorce Process

Going through a divorce is a trying time. While the twists and turns of each divorce are unique, there are elements that are common in most divorces. Our divorce attorney at the Lake of the Ozarks wants to discuss a few of the things that most people encounter during the divorce process. Property The divorce process usually includes dividing property. The first step is determining what is non-marital property, which must be set apart to the party who owns it. The next step is to equitably divide the marital property, which can consist of personal property and real estate. Child Custody If children are involved in the divorce, there is an added layer of steps required. Deciding the custody of a child can be an emotionally charged time. Usually, both parents want to spend as much time as possible with their child. It can be hard to imagine not seeing your child on a daily basis, which can lead to difficult child custody negotiations. Ch...