Reasons to Think About Guardianship for Your Kids

When you have children you likely image yourselves growing old and watching your child grow throughout the years. Unfortunately, that’s not always how real life plays out. If something were to happen to you and your child’s other parent, what would happen to your child? Who would they live with? Who would ensure their needs are provided? If you cannot easily answer this question it may be time to make an important decision in the life of your child. If you can answer this question but don’t have any legal paperwork in place, it’s time to start the ball rolling. The importance of nominating the person who you want to care for your child As a parent, your child’s future and wellbeing is likely a top priority. Toward that end, it is important to nominate the person who you want to care for your child in the event you and your child’s other parent is unable to do so. Having this sort of decision made and planned out ahead of time can help take some relief off an already stressf...