If You Answer “Yes” to Any of These Questions, You May Need a Will

Having a will isn’t just important during uncertain times, it is important during every season, phase, and transition in adult life. We’ve blogged about the stats before, but in short, it’s staggering how many people are going through significant stages in life without a will. Here are a few questions to ask yourself over the next few weeks, as you reorganize your lifestyle, reprioritize your relationships, and maybe even think about the unthinkable. If you answer ”yes” to any of these questions, then it may be the right time for you to get your will in order. Q: Do you own any assets? You may own real estate, a savings and checking account, investments, a business, cars, boats, planes, or other personal property. With a Will, you can control who inherits your property after you are gone. If you die without a Will or any other kind of estate planning in place, such as a trust or non-probate transfers, then the Missouri state statutes will govern who inherits your property. Q: D...