"We Want A Divorce, But Which One Of Us Should Leave The Marital Residence?"

Unfortunately, divorce is a fact of life for many couples. It's no secret that divorce is a highly emotional and stressful event for everyone involved, and many couples feel overwhelmed at the very idea of filing for a divorce. As you work your way through the process, there are many factors that should be taken into consideration. One of the most challenging decisions is who should move out of the family residence during the divorce proceedings. If remaining in the home does not present safety risks, then the decision to move out or stay in the marital residence may not be a simple one. Here is a brief look at a few of the factors to consider when deciding who should stay in the marital residence when filing for divorce, courtesy of your Lake of the Ozarks divorce attorney . Are There Children Involved? Divorce is already incredibly hard on children, and moving the children out of the marital residence may cause additional distress for them. If the children will be retainin...