"We Want A Divorce, But Which One Of Us Should Leave The Marital Residence?"

Unfortunately, divorce is a fact of life for many couples. It's no secret that divorce is a highly emotional and stressful event for everyone involved, and many couples feel overwhelmed at the very idea of filing for a divorce. As you work your way through the process, there are many factors that should be taken into consideration. One of the most challenging decisions is who should move out of the family residence during the divorce proceedings. If remaining in the home does not present safety risks, then the decision to move out or stay in the marital residence may not be a simple one. Here is a brief look at a few of the factors to consider when deciding who should stay in the marital residence when filing for divorce, courtesy of your Lake of the Ozarks divorce attorney.

Are There Children Involved?
Divorce is already incredibly hard on children, and moving the children out of the marital residence may cause additional distress for them. If the children will be retaining your residence address as their own, you may want to consider remaining in the marital residence.

Do You Have Good Working Knowledge Of Your Assets And Liabilities?
Before deciding whether or not to move out, it is important to take careful stock of all your assets and your liabilities to ensure that you have a good working knowledge of all of these items. Moving out of the home during the divorce proceedings does not mean you forego your right to maintain any of your belongings, but coming back to take stock of these items may be challenging. Make sure you have a good working knowledge of your debts and assets if you decide to move from the marital residence.

Who Will Pay For The Mortgage?
If you and your spouse currently own a home together, chances are you have been sharing the responsibility of the monthly mortgage payment. Moving out during the divorce proceedings does not automatically free you from the responsibility of making that payment. If you will continue to be financially responsible for your home, you may not wish to move out of the home, especially if it would mean that you will need to also pay for a new place to live.

Have You Hired A Divorce Attorney?
If you have decided that divorce is your best option, but you are not sure if you should be the one to move from the marital residence, then it is time to talk to a Missouri divorce attorney. Your attorney will have navigated the process before and will be able to help guide you along the way. Your Camden County divorce lawyer will be able to help you carefully evaluate the decision and determine whether or not you should leave your marital residence during the proceedings. If you are filing for divorce at the Lake of the Ozarks, the team at O'Donnell Law Center will be here to assist you on your journey.

Call the most trusted law firm at the Lake of the Ozarks to get started today.

O'Donnell Law Center

We Carry Your Burden ~ You Carry On With Life.

Disclaimer: No attorney-client relationship is created by the publication of this blog.

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Phone: (573) 552-0317

O'Donnell Law Center, LLC
1026 Palisades Blvd. Suite 3
Osage Beach, MO  65065
(Located on the McDonald's Side of the Building)


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