Technology at O’Donnell Law Center

Technology has become an everyday part of our world and our law center is keeping up with the times and utilizing the technological advances we have available to make tasks easier for our staff and clients. Our Lake of the Ozarks law center uses a number of technologies to make communicating a breeze. We’re not your average law center and we’re proud to be able to integrate technology into the legal world. Learn exactly how O’Donnell Law Center brings technology to the forefront around our law center and how that makes it easy for clients to communicate with our team.

The O’Donnell Law Center uses state-of-the-art technology, software and cloud computing so that we can remain agile, mobile and efficient.


Taking time to communicate with an attorney can be intimidating and time consuming. We have many different communication methods available. Phone call, video chat, email, texting – we work with our clients to find their favorite communication method and use that platform to communicate with them. We also have flexible time structures to find the best possible time to work with your schedule. Whether it’s meeting in person, video chatting, or a phone call, you choose the time and manner that works for you and we will make it work on our end.

Document Sharing

Throughout the life of a legal matter, documents often need to be reviewed and approved by the client.  Email isn’t always the most secure platform for sharing legal documents and that’s why we use a secure online portal for our clients to access legal documents pertaining to their case. You can easily and conveniently log into the portal to view all of your documents. When a document needs your signature, we offer electronic signing options when possible.

Bill Payment 

We have several online bill-pay options.  If you are a new client and wish to pay an advanced fee, you can conveniently, easily, and securely log on to our website and pay with a debit or credit card, at any time of day or night. Simply visit our website and click the “pay online” tab to navigate to the secure payment portal.  Clients who receive an electronic invoice can make an online payment through a payment link in the invoice.  We do everything we can to make your payment experience easy and seamless.

We are proud to offer technology that makes communicating with our clients easy and convenient. We understand that clients are busy and it can be hard to schedule an in-person meeting and even harder to swing by the office to look at documents or make a payment. Our Lake of the Ozarks law center staff cares about our clients and making it convenient to communicate and share information is just one of the ways we try to carry their burden so they can carry on with life.

We Carry Your Burden ~ You Carry On With Life.

Disclaimer: No attorney-client relationship is created by the publication of this blog.

The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely on advertising.

Phone: (573) 552-0317

O'Donnell Law Center, LLC
1026 Palisades Blvd. Suite 3
Osage Beach, MO  65065


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