Ways to Prepare your Kids for the Holiday Season during a Divorce

A divorce is a stressful time for all but it can be even more difficult during the holiday season. It’s that time of year and many families with young children are preparing for their first holiday season as a separated or divorced family. If young children are involved in the divorce, it can be a time full of uneasiness for them. Our divorce attorney in Camden County, MO is here to provide some tips you can consider to help ease you through the first holiday season as a separated or divorced parent with young children.

Try to set a plan in advance. 

Communication may not be the easiest thing with your ex-spouse but it’s important to communicate for the sake of the kids. Try to have a solid plan in place for the holiday season ahead of time. Share this detailed plan with your kids so they know exactly what is going on. If they know when and where they will be doing certain holiday activities, it can give them a sense of normalcy and routine.

Encourage your kids to share their feelings. 

Going through a divorce any time of the year is difficult for a child, but the holidays seem to make it a bit worse. Encourage your children to share their feelings, if not with you, then another trusted adult or professional. This can give your child a safe place to express and work through their emotions that are likely all over the place, especially this time of year.

Try to stay in the holiday spirit. 

It can be tempting to be bah humbug about the holidays, especially because this is a difficult time for you, as well. But it’s important that you keep the holiday spirit up, especially around your children. Try to continue old family traditions and even make some new ones throughout the holiday season. This can help bring some light into your lives during what can be a dark time.

 The holidays are all about spending time with your loved ones and it’s important that your children remain the main focus, especially with the change in family structure. Ensure your kids feel loved and included this holiday season.  If you find yourself facing divorce near the Lake of the Ozarks during the holiday season, reach out to O’Donnell Law Center for a case evaluation.

We Carry Your Burden ~ You Carry On With Life.

Disclaimer: No attorney-client relationship is created by the publication of this blog.

The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely on advertising.

Phone: (573) 552-0317

O'Donnell Law Center, LLC
1026 Palisades Blvd. Suite 3
Osage Beach, MO  65065


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