Consequences Of Having An Order Of Protection Entered Against You

When you think of criminal defense, what comes to mind? From reckless driving to manslaughter and everything in between, criminal defense at the Lake of the Ozarks comes in a variety of different forms. Today, the team at O'Donnell Law Center is here to take a look at some of the different factors involved in abuse or assault cases. Specifically, we want to look at orders of protection and the impacts they can have on those they are entered against. What Is An Order Of Protection? To put it simply, an order of protection, a lso called a restraining order, is a court order that is entered by a judge against a person accused of such things as abuse, assault, the threat of abuse or assault, or stalking, and are intended to provide a layer of protection between the alleged victim and the person accused of the threatening or dangerous behavior. While these orders do not necessarily prevent the undesired behavior, they do give law enforcement the ability to arre...