Consequences Of Having An Order Of Protection Entered Against You
When you think of criminal defense, what comes to mind?
From reckless driving to manslaughter and everything in between, criminal defense at the Lake of the Ozarks comes in a variety of different forms. Today, the team at O'Donnell Law Center is here to take a look at some of the different factors involved in abuse or assault cases. Specifically, we want to look at orders of protection and the impacts they can have on those they are entered against.
From reckless driving to manslaughter and everything in between, criminal defense at the Lake of the Ozarks comes in a variety of different forms. Today, the team at O'Donnell Law Center is here to take a look at some of the different factors involved in abuse or assault cases. Specifically, we want to look at orders of protection and the impacts they can have on those they are entered against.
What Is An Order Of Protection?
To put it simply, an order of protection, also called a restraining order, is a court order that is entered by a judge against a person accused of such things as abuse, assault, the threat of abuse or assault, or stalking, and are intended to provide a layer of protection between the alleged victim and the person accused of the threatening or dangerous behavior. While these orders do not necessarily prevent the undesired behavior, they do give law enforcement the ability to arrest you based upon a violation of the order.
What Happens If An Order Of Protection Is Entered Against You?
Having an order of protection entered against you has several legal consequences. For example, individuals who have had an order entered against them...
- May not be able to possess firearms.
- May not be eligible for a conceal and carry permit.
- Could be punished by jail time or hefty fines for violating the order.
- May be required to attend counseling or other corrective programs.
- Could be forced to stay away from their home.
- Could be forced to stay away from their children.

The consequences you face when a protective order is entered against you can be severe.
Contact An Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney
Obviously, having an order of protection entered against you can have several undesirable effects. Fortunately, you do not have to face these challenges by yourself! While a petition for an order of protection is a civil matter, a violation of an order of protection can result in criminal charges. Our experienced criminal defense attorney at the Lake of the Ozarks has the knowledge and skill you need to successfully navigate these legal challenges. If you have questions about defending yourself from having an order of protection entered against you or from criminal charges in Camden County, MO, contact our attorney to schedule a consultation today.
Disclaimer: No attorney-client relationship is created by the publication of this blog.
Phone: (573) 552-0317
O'Donnell Law Center, LLC
Call the most trusted law firm at the Lake of the Ozarks to get started today.
We Carry Your Burden ~ You Carry On With Life.
Disclaimer: No attorney-client relationship is created by the publication of this blog.
Phone: (573) 552-0317
O'Donnell Law Center, LLC
1026 Palisades Blvd. Suite 3
Osage Beach, MO 65065
(Located on the McDonald's Side of the Building)
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