
Showing posts from 2019

Top 5 Reasons to Hire Divorce Attorney

Divorce is a trying season for everyone involved. Emotions run high and you may not make decisions as well in the heat of the moment as you usually do.  A divorce attorney near the Lake of the Ozarks can help guide you through the difficult journey that lies ahead. O’Donnell Law Center has provided some of the most common reasons an individual will hire a divorce attorney when entering this tough chapter. 1) To Protect Your Rights Protecting your legal rights top of mind for most people going through a divorce.  Unless you’ve had legal training, you likely don’t know the ins and outs of the legal process required in a divorce. Ensure your rights are being protected and that you have your legal bases covered by hiring a divorce attorney to help you through the process. 2) To Ensure Fairness The Court will be required to divide your marital property. Each case is unique and it’s best to consult an experienced divorce attorney to help ensure a fair property division ...

Ways to Prepare your Kids for the Holiday Season during a Divorce

A divorce is a stressful time for all but it can be even more difficult during the holiday season. It’s that time of year and many families with young children are preparing for their first holiday season as a separated or divorced family. If young children are involved in the divorce, it can be a time full of uneasiness for them. Our divorce attorney in Camden County, MO is here to provide some tips you can consider to help ease you through the first holiday season as a separated or divorced parent with young children. Try to set a plan in advance.  Communication may not be the easiest thing with your ex-spouse but it’s important to communicate for the sake of the kids. Try to have a solid plan in place for the holiday season ahead of time. Share this detailed plan with your kids so they know exactly what is going on. If they know when and where they will be doing certain holiday activities, it can give them a sense of normalcy and routine. Encourage your kids to share...

Questions to Ask in Order to Evaluate Your Estate Plan Before 2020

Estate planning is an important process to ensure your assets are given to whom you intend. Our estate planning attorney in Camden County, MO knows how vital this step is to keeping your estate out of probate. It can take quite a bit of time and financial resources to work through the probate process and one goal of an estate plan is usually to help avoid that extra step. Below, you’ll find a few things you’ll want to check over to ensure your estate plan is ready for the new year. Do you have an estate plan? Having an estate plan is a major step toward ensuring your assets stay out of probate. If you don’t already have one, now is a good time to get one in place.  The estate planning process can be emotional for some, but for most people there is a sense of taking the burden off of their family which is accompanied by a feeling of relief and sense of accomplishment.  Have you been through a major life change recently?  A new marriage, birth of a child, a divor...

Technology at O’Donnell Law Center

Technology has become an everyday part of our world and our law center is keeping up with the times and utilizing the technological advances we have available to make tasks easier for our staff and clients. Our Lake of the Ozarks law center uses a number of technologies to make communicating a breeze. We’re not your average law center and we’re proud to be able to integrate technology into the legal world. Learn exactly how O’Donnell Law Center brings technology to the forefront around our law center and how that makes it easy for clients to communicate with our team. The O’Donnell Law Center uses state-of-the-art technology, software and cloud computing so that we can remain agile, mobile and efficient. Communication Taking time to communicate with an attorney can be intimidating and time consuming. We have many different communication methods available. Phone call, video chat, email, texting – we work with our clients to find their favorite communication method and use tha...

A Breakdown Of Our Family Law Services

Family law covers a wide range of legal services, and many of them are sensitive subjects. From divorce to adoption, family law cases can be highly emotional because they impact the people you care most about – your family. Our family law attorney in Osage Beach, MO knows how difficult it can be to work through a case that impacts your family, but we also know there is often some confusion when it comes to the different case types that the family law category covers. This week, O’Donnell Law Center is providing a break-down of some of the types of family law cases that we can assist with. Divorce A divorce legally dissolves a marriage. But it often does other things, such as dividing marital assets, setting apart the non-marital property, determining custody, visitation and child support, and ordering maintenance. Some of these factors can be quite complicated to resolve, and as a result, can impact the length of time it takes to complete the divorce process. Adoption Adop...

Tips for Working Through a Custody Battle

Getting a divorce is a difficult time for everyone involved but your emotions may be heightened even more if you have children involved in the divorce. Child custody is its own category in the family law realm and our attorney at the Lake of the Ozarks can help you work through your divorce, child custody, and child support case as you start this new phase of your life. A custody battle can bring out the worst in people as fighting for time with your children is a sensitive subject. O’Donnell Law Center has provided some helpful tips as you work through the struggles that may be involved in a custody battle. Consult an Expert An experienced divorce attorney can help offer guidance through this difficult time. It can be hard to navigate the legal system alone and it’s best to know about all the potential consequences that may be caused by a decision you’re making out of emotion. Think About Your Child’s Best Interest Your child should be your top priority through the entire...

Ways to Honor Veterans this Veterans Day

Veterans Day will be here before we know it. Taking place on Monday, November 11th , this federal holiday is a time where we honor those who have served our country. This is a time to honor and give much-needed praise to the men and women who have served our great country. Our law center at the Lake of the Ozarks takes Veterans Day very seriously and we want to help offer some ideas of ways you can honor a veteran this coming Veterans Day. Attend a Veterans Day event at a local school. There are many local schools that put on a Veterans Day assembly. Whether you choose to participate and speak at the event or show your support in the crowd, it’s a very important way to honor those who have served our country. If you have children in school, ask them about the upcoming assembly and come up with ways to honor veterans at home, as well. Participate in the Veterans Day parade Many towns across the country will put on parades this Veterans Day. Osage Beach has a Veterans Day Par...

Reasons to Think About Guardianship for Your Kids

When you have children you likely image yourselves growing old and watching your child grow throughout the years. Unfortunately, that’s not always how real life plays out. If something were to happen to you and your child’s other parent, what would happen to your child? Who would they live with? Who would ensure their needs are provided? If you cannot easily answer this question it may be time to make an important decision in the life of your child. If you can answer this question but don’t have any legal paperwork in place, it’s time to start the ball rolling. The importance of nominating the person who you want to care for your child As a parent, your child’s future and wellbeing is likely a top priority.  Toward that end, it is important to nominate the person who you want to care for your child in the event you and your child’s other parent is unable to do so. Having this sort of decision made and planned out ahead of time can help take some relief off an already stressf...

Local Fall Festivals the Entire Family will Love

Fall is an exciting time for many families to get out and enjoy the crisp, beautiful weather. Our law center in Osage Beach, MO knows how special it is to spend time with your loved ones this time of year. Fall is all about the changing leaves and enjoying the great outdoors. Check out some of the upcoming events our area has to offer. Thunder Mountain Fall Festival – Saturdays & Sundays in October Bridal Cave/Thunder Mountain Park Each Fall Thunder Mountain comes alive for the fall season. Included in your tour of Bridal Cave is all of the fall festival activities, such as live bluegrass music, pumpkin painting, pumpkin chunkin', hay bale mountain, fire pits for smores, bat bag toss, face painting, pumpkin tic tac toe, pedal tractor racing, hiking the pumpkin trail and picking out your favorite pumpkin. It’s fun for the whole family. Osage Beach Fall Festival – October 12 Osage Beach City Park Come out for this exciting annual event for kids of all ages to enjoy ...

Get To Know the O’Donnell Law Center Staff

Our law center at the Lake of the Ozarks has many unique features that sets our firm apart from others in the area. But we have to mention our amazing staff as one of the great assets here at O’Donnell Law Center . We’re excited to feature our team members in our latest blog. Meet the team you’ll be working with, when you choose O’Donnell Law. Regina Lynch, Paralegal Regina was born in St. Louis, Missouri and graduated high school in 1980 with a certification in Graphic Art Design.  After graduating, she was employed at a construction equipment company for 14 years, and ended her career as an Executive Assistant and Office Manager to relocate to the lake area.  She and her husband, Bob, have lived here now for over 20 years. After moving to the lake area, Regina worked as a Court Clerk and Deputy Village Clerk for a local municipality for several years. She enjoyed learning the different functions of small government and handling all the aspects of the court proceedin...