Legal Representation For Your HOA

Homeowners' associations (HOAs) are common organizations at the Lake Area and around the rest of the country. Homeowners' associations may consist of a variety of different types of dwellings, including townhouses and single-family homes. Condominium owners' associations are particularly common here at the Lake, but there are several HOAs consisting of single-family homes as well. As with most corporations, HOAs are sometimes in need of legal representation to protect their interests. When these situations arise, our attorney at the Lake of the Ozarks will be here to help.

About Homeowners' Associations

Property owners within HOAs are required to pay for dues for the association, which are typically referred to as "assessments." Depending on the HOA's needs, these assessments may be charged annually, biannually, or monthly. The exact costs covered by the assessments vary from association to association, but they typically include items such as:
  • Landscaping
  • Snow removal
  • Security
  • Maintenance and repairs for community facilities, such as:
    • Clubhouses
    • Pools
    • Tennis courts
    • Playgrounds
    • Exercise facilities
  • Salaries for the HOA employees (if applicable)

These types of expenses are generally covered in the homeowners' associations set fees, which they may adjust every year or so to reflect the current costs the association. If necessary, the HOA may ask for special assessments at various intervals to cover atypical major improvement or repairs.

Collecting On Unpaid Assessments

Unfortunately, sometimes homeowners fail to pay their assessments in a timely manner (or at all). When this happens, the board members and/or trustees of the HOA must take steps to ensure that they get the monies owed to them, or else the other property owners may have to take on the brunt of the cost. 

Each homeowners' association has different terms and regulations. Depending on how their bylaws are written, the HOA may be able to hold the delinquent property owner liable for several different expenses, such as:
  • Late fees
  • Unpaid assessments
  • Fines (if applicable)
  • Interest (if applicable)
  • Costs of collecting (i.e., attorney's fees)

Contact O'Donnell Law Center To Protect Your HOA

If the property owners are unable or refuse to pay, the homeowners' association may be able to utilize a delinquent assessment lien to protect the association's interests. Our law center in Osage Beach MO has a great deal of experience representing both condo and homeowners' associations in this capacity. If you are struggling with a property owner who is neglecting to pay his/her assessments, contact O'Donnell Law Center for the representation you need. We promise to do everything we can to take the burden off of your shoulders.

We Carry Your Burden ~ You Carry On With Life.

Disclaimer: No attorney-client relationship is created by the publication of this blog.

The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely on advertising.

Phone: (573) 552-0317

O'Donnell Law Center, LLC
1026 Palisades Blvd. Suite 3
Osage Beach, MO  65065


  1. Hello, an amazing Information dude. Thanks for sharing this nice information with us. HOA Management Temecula


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