The Irish History behind Our Favorite Attorney’s Name

Deirdre O’Donnell is our experienced attorney at the Lake of the Ozarks and her name comes with a rich Irish history. Since we’re nearing St. Patrick’s Day, we thought this would be a great opportunity to dive into the origin of Deirdre’s beautiful name.

The Meaning Behind Deirdre:

Deirdre is derived from the Old Irish term, young girl. It is a Celtic name for a female. The meaning behind the name is sorrowful. This meaning is believed to be based on a famous Deirdre of the time. Deirdre was also the name of a legendary Irish princess who was betrothed to King Ulster, Conchobar. She ended up running away with the King’s nephew, Naoise whom she loved. The king tricked the two lovers into returning, where he slain his cousin for betrayal. Supposedly, Deirdre died of a broken heart.

The History of O’Donnell:

The name O’Donnell is a famous surname found in Irish history. It is derived from a name that means “world mighty” or “world ruler”. There are many powerful Irish families, Kings, Princes, and Lords with the surname O’Donnell.
The O'Donnell motto is "In Hoc Signo Vinces" which means "Victorious with the Sign of the Cross." Below is the O’Donnell family crest.
Photo Credit: The Irish Rose
With St. Patrick’s Day right around the corner, we wanted to dig deeper on the Irish roots our Lake of the Ozarks attorney – Deirdre O’Donnell. We enjoy sharing the background of her name and we’re honored to celebrate Deirdre’s Irish heritage this St. Paddy’s Day!

We Carry Your Burden ~ You Carry On With Life.

Disclaimer: No attorney-client relationship is created by the publication of this blog.

The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely on advertising.

Phone: (573) 552-0317

O'Donnell Law Center, LLC
1026 Palisades Blvd. Suite 3
Osage Beach, MO  65065


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