Recently Engaged? Reasons to Establish a Prenuptial Agreement

A prenuptial agreement comes with a negative stigma and it shouldn’t. There are a number of benefits that protect both parties involved in the marriage. Our attorney in Camden County, MO wants to help shake that negative image prenuptial agreements often carry. We’re pointing out some of the reasons establishing a prenuptial agreement near the Lake of the Ozarks can be beneficial to you as you enter into marriage.

Protect Non-marital Assets.

When one person in a marriage brings significantly more assets into the marriage than the other, like a house or a growing retirement account, problems dividing them up can emerge if the marriage ends. It’s best to decide in advance how any increase in the value of these assets will be divided, and if they are not going to be divided, to protect them with a prenuptial agreement. Having a prenup in place can also pre-determine any maintenance, formerly known as “alimony” that will be paid out in the event of a divorce. Having these details agreed-to in advance can shorten an already lengthy and intense process and remove the uncertainty that comes along with stepping into the divorce arena. 

Ensure Assets are Passed to Specific Children (if children from previous relationships are involved)

If you have children from a prior relationship, you may have specific assets intended for your children and your soon-to-be spouse may have the same situation in mind for their children. It’s best to have a plan in place and specifically line out which child will receive which assets. This ties into an estate plan, which O’Donnell Law Center can also help establish.

Discuss Debt before it Puts a Strain on the Relationship

After two individuals get married, debt that is accrued by one party often becomes a shared debt. This can be overwhelming for someone who has worked hard to remain debt-free. Working through the details of a prenuptial agreement can provide an opportunity to discuss whether to accrue debt as a couple, and what that might look like.  It can also address how debts will be divided or allocated should the marriage end. Overwhelming debt is often a factor that drives couples to divorce.  A little advanced planning in this department can go a long way in preserving the marriage.

These are just a few of the benefits of establishing a prenuptial agreement at the Lake of the Ozarks. Each couple’s circumstances differ, and O’Donnell Law Center can help find the right solution for your unique wishes. If you’re recently engaged and concerned about your assets, debt, and/or children, contact our Lake of the Ozarks law center. We can help work through your unique situation and help you determine if a prenuptial agreement can be a benefit as you enter into a new marriage. 

We Carry Your Burden ~ You Carry On With Life.

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The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely on advertising.

Phone: (573) 552-0317

O'Donnell Law Center, LLC
1026 Palisades Blvd. Suite 3
Osage Beach, MO  65065


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