Co-Parenting and COVID

Getting through a global pandemic is overwhelming enough without the stress of co-parenting difficulties between divorced or separated parents. Here are a few tips to keep in mind over the coming weeks as divorced or separated parents try to child-share during quarantine.

Maintain Safe and Healthy Routines

Complying with all CDC, state and local stay at home orders is an important first step, along with implementing good handwashing, surface cleaning and social distancing. Stay informed and up to date with reliable news sources so that you know exactly what is happening around you and what the government sources expect of you.

Follow the Parenting Plan When Possible

While the entire world is experiencing chaos, when possible, continue to follow your court-ordered parenting plan so as long as it doesn’t interfere with other government mandates or the safety of the children. If conflict occurs with your co-parent, try to enhance communication. At the end of the day, if a parent refuses to comply with the court-ordered parenting plan, make up time and possibly sanctions could be awarded when things return to normal.

What Happens When You Don’t Agree?

If you don’t feel the other parent is observing CDC and other state and local guidelines, and you are concerned your children are not safe, and enhanced communication between the two of you to talk out your concerns hasn’t worked, contact an attorney to discuss your other options.

What If Your Child is Sick?

If your child is sick with a non-critical illness, your parenting plan should be your guide. If you both agree to a departure from the plan, such as a delay in the exchange in order for one parent to quarantine with the child, for example, then you can move forward with the new plans. However, if one of the parents doesn’t agree, contact an attorney to discuss your other options.

We hope that you and your family remain safe throughout this pandemic. If you need representation for your family law case, we want to hear from you, and we can be reached by phone or text @ 573-552-0317, or by email through our website at

We Carry Your Burden ~ You Carry On With Life.

Disclaimer: No attorney-client relationship is created by the publication of this blog.

The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely on advertising.

Phone: (573) 552-0317

O'Donnell Law Center, LLC
1026 Palisades Blvd. Suite 3
Osage Beach, MO  65065


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