Finals Study Tips for Law Students

It's that time of year again! Students are in the throes of preparing their final presentations, writing their final essays, and studying for their final examinations. Law students face unique challenges during this busy time of year. This year, the team at O'Donnell Law Center is here to assist all of the law students out there with these important study tips for their final exams.

Tip #1: STUDY
This may seem obvious, but no amount of preparation tips and tricks can be as effective as simply sitting down and applying yourself. Until you learn which study method works best for you, there are several different options you can try. Here's a quick look at some of the ways law students choose to study:
  • Read over the material - over and over again. This works best for people who are visual learners.
  • Recite the material out loud - over and over again. This works well for people who like both visual and auditory learning methods.
  • Make flashcards. Use these cards to quiz yourself on important terms and vocabulary before the exam.
  • Organize your notes. If your notes are always a jumbled mess, you may want to copy your notes into a neater format after each class period. This will make it easier for you to find information later (and it gives you an opportunity to go over the material again.
It really doesn't matter which method you use; what matters is that you find which method you like best and apply yourself.

Most legal courses are designed such that there is only one exam at the end of the semester, which means that your grade for the entire course is dependent upon that test. While there may only be one test, that certainly doesn't mean you should only study once. If you begin studying early on in the semester, you will be much better prepared for the final exam.

Of course, we are now nearing the end of the semester, and there isn't exactly time to go back and start early. However, the old saying "better late than never" applies to this as well - the fact that you didn't study earlier in the semester does not mean that you shouldn't start studying now.

Of course you should pay attention in class, but this tip suggests paying even closer attention. As your professor lectures, make notes of the types of material that seems most important to her. Does she spend a lot of time talking about case results, or more time talking about proper preparation for litigation? Some professors will even throw out little hints such as "This will probably be on the exam." As you take notes, be sure to write down these extra observations as well as the basic material.

It's one thing to read over material - it's another thing entirely to provide the information yourself. Before you sit down for the actual exam, it's important to practice answering the types of questions that will be on the exam. Ask your professor if there are exams from previous years that you could use as study guides. If not, make yourself practice exams. You can also use online tools (such as to quiz yourself.

Applying yourself rigorously is a great thing, but it's important to give your brain time to relax and recharge, too. A good rule of thumb is to study for fifty minutes and then take a break for ten. Stand up, stretch, and breathe in some fresh air outside. Taking short breaks will keep the material from running together and will keep your brain focused and on track. Don't forget to drink plenty of water and keep a few healthy snacks on hand, too!

Good Luck!
The team at our local law office at the Lake of the Ozarks wishes you the best of luck on your final exams! We are firm believers in our field and we are excited to watch the next generation of lawyers at the Lake of the Ozarks succeed.

Call the most trusted law firm at the Lake of the Ozarks to get started today.

O'Donnell Law Center

We Carry Your Burden ~ You Carry On With Life.

Disclaimer: No attorney-client relationship is created by the publication of this blog.

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1026 Palisades Blvd. Suite 3
Osage Beach, MO  65065
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