Meet Aprill Stonebarger

Aprill Stonebarger
The success of O'Donnell Law Center relies heavily on our outstanding team. We are fortunate to be staffed by a small but amazing group of individuals who are truly dedicated to furthering the success of our law firm at the Lake of the Ozarks. This week, we're excited to introduce you to one of our valued team members, Ms. Aprill Stonebarger!

Aprill Stonebarger, Legal Assistant

Aprill brings a unique background to O'Donnell Law Center. Growing up on a farm in Franklin County, MO, she learned the value of teamwork and a strong work ethic while helping her family with the many chores around the farm, such as feeding calves, throwing hale bales, and driving tractors. In addition to instilling a strong work ethic, growing up on a farm helped Aprill to learn to truly appreciate the little things in life.

After graduating high school in 2002, she immediately entered the workforce. At the young age of eighteen, she went to work as a 911 dispatcher. The position required Aprill to quickly learn how to take the stress off of her callers' shoulders by calmly walking them through any and all types of emergency situations - a skill that she uses every day at our Lake of the Ozarks law center!

It didn't take long before Aprill was recognized for her skill and excellent work ethic. She quickly became the communications training officer in charge of training the newest hires. Aprill gladly accepted this new challenge and quickly realized how much she truly enjoyed teaching the ins and outs of everything it took to be a telecommunicator in their dispatch center. She also recognized the position as an opportunity to continue her own personal growth; she made it a point to learn as much as she could from the new hires as she trained them. To this day, Aprill still strives to learn something new every day, whether it be work related, a corny joke, or a fun, random fact.

In her spare time, Aprill enjoys going for joy rides in her husband's mustang or as a passenger on a golf cart (trying to snap that perfect golf photo). She and her husband are celebrating their first year of marriage this fall, and we couldn't be happier for her.

Aprill and her husband, Daniel
Aprill works for us part-time while maintaining her full-time commitments as a dispatcher, and she considers herself very fortunate to get to work with our excellent team of dedicated individuals who share her passion for setting goals, developing a strong work ethic, and providing the best possible service to each and every client. Aprill has said many times that she considers herself very lucky to be a part of the team at O'Donnell Law Center and she is excited to see what lies ahead.

Contact O'Donnell Law Center For All Your Legal Needs!

We are truly blessed to have such a talented, hard-working, and caring young woman on our team. Aprill and the rest of the team at O'Donnell Law Center hopes that you will keep us in mind when facing legal issues and will come to us when you are in need of quality representation. We will do everything in our power to help lift the stress off of your shoulders.

Call the most trusted law firm at the Lake of the Ozarks to get started today.

O'Donnell Law Center

We Carry Your Burden ~ You Carry On With Life.

Disclaimer: No attorney-client relationship is created by the publication of this blog.

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Phone: (573) 552-0317

O'Donnell Law Center, LLC
1026 Palisades Blvd. Suite 3
Osage Beach, MO  65065
(Located on the McDonald's Side of the Building)


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