3 Components of a Successful Divorce

By nature, divorce tends to be messy, stressful, and overwhelming. Even if you and your spouse are in equal agreement that divorce is the right decision, you will still have to separate two lives that were inextricably combined for the past months or years. There is rarely an easy path (although some paths are certainly more challenging than others).

The team at O'Donnell Law Center has a great deal of experience helping couples successfully navigate high-asset divorces at the Lake of the Ozarks - but this concept can be confusing to some. What exactly counts as a "successful" divorce?

What Count As A Successful Divorce?

Before we can discuss what the characteristics of a successful divorce are, we must address what a successful divorce is not. A successful divorce does not mean getting everything that you want. It is extremely rare that divorcing individuals walk away from the situation feeling like everything panned out exactly as they were hoping it would. As living, breathing, dynamic individuals, each party within the divorce has separate goals and desires. Since they have chosen to get a divorce, it is generally safe to assume that their desires conflict with the goals and desires of the other party. Fortunately, the individual parties do not have to get everything they were hoping for in order for the divorce to still be considered successful.

3 Components Of A Successful Divorce:

1. All Assets And Responsibilities Have Been Divided Equitably
During your marriage, you probably accumulated several assets (a house, cars, a business, retirement accounts, etc) and acquired several responsibilities (children, pets, bills, etc). In order for a divorce to be successful, these assets and responsibilities must be divided in a fair manner. Keep in mind that "fair" does not necessarily mean "50/50." One spouse, for example, may be required to pay maintenance or give a larger percentage of the assets to the other spouse.

2. Each Individual Walks Away With The Resources They Need To Live Independent, Self-Sufficient Lives
Whether or not you will remain in contact with your former spouse after the divorce is finalized depends on your unique situation and the different factors surrounding your marriage, such as whether or not you had children together. Regardless of whether or not you stay in contact with your ex, however, the goal of a successful divorce is to equip each individual with the resources needed for them to support themselves and independently move on to the next chapter of their lives.

3. Strategies Have Been Devised To Address Future Issues As They May Arise
No matter how thoroughly issues have been addressed as the divorce is being finalized, it is impossible to predict the future. Changes in health, income, and children's needs can require that certain rulings from the divorce be readdressed to accommodate current needs. While no one can know exactly what circumstances may change, a successful divorce will have established strategies and ground rules for addressing these issues as they arise.

Contact O'Donnell Law Center To Help You Navigate Your Divorce Successfully

If you are facing a divorce, you already have a lot on your plate. Our goal is to simplify the process for you as much as possible by taking the burden off of your shoulders. Our family attorney in Camden County MO can help you navigate the waters so that you may reach a solution that is equitable and fair. For more information about our family law services at the Lake of the Ozarks, visit our website at www.ODonnellLawCenter.com.

We Carry Your Burden ~ You Carry On With Life.

Disclaimer: No attorney-client relationship is created by the publication of this blog.

The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely on advertising.

Phone: (573) 552-0317

O'Donnell Law Center, LLC
1026 Palisades Blvd. Suite 3
Osage Beach, MO  65065


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