Legal Representation For Your Home Owners' Association or Condominium Association

Homeowners associations and condominium associations are common throughout the Lake of the Ozarks region and across the rest of the country. Associations, as the name suggests, are organizations of multiple property owners that work together to create a cohesive community in which their members reside.

As with any official organization, associations sometimes face certain situations that may benefit from representation by a skilled attorney. We represent homeowner associations and condo associations at O'Donnell Law Center, and are here to assist these organizations when needed. Here are a few examples of the different types of situations we can help associations with.

Property Owners Who Don't Pay Their Dues

Property owners associations must maintain a tight budget in order to keep up with all of their required expenses. Depending on the scope of the its amenities and member benefits, examples of the types of costs associations may cover include:
  • Snow removal
  • Landscaping
  • Road/driveway paving
  • Maintaining amenities
  • Payroll for association employees

Homeowner and condo associations rely heavily on their members' association dues to meet these (and other) expenses. When property owners fail to make their payments, it can create significant challenges within the association. Our attorney can help associations take the appropriate steps to seek needed payments from delinquent members.

Property Owners Who Don't Abide By Association Regulations

Associations are regulated by restrictions and bylaws. Additionally, condo owner associations are regulated by state statutes. Restrictions and statutes exist to protect both the association's and the individual members' interests. When everyone follows the rules, they contribute to a cohesive, mutually beneficial environment. When a property owner fails to abide by the regulations, however, he/she can create significant problems.

It only takes one property owner who disobeys the rules to create an unpleasant living situation for all (or at least several of) the other association members. It is important that these situations are addressed swiftly, before the problems they create are allowed time to get out of hand. However, the association must follow the appropriate procedures in order to avoid putting themselves in a legally compromising situation. An attorney can serve as an important resource for navigating this process.

Drafting & Updating Bylaws

As we have just discussed, associations are governed by restrictions, bylaws and sometimes statutes that are designed to protect the interests of everyone involved. When a new association is forming, it is important that they receive legal counsel as they draft these governing documents.

As time passes, the bylaws that were established during an association's formation may become outdated or obsolete. As with the original creation, it is important to seek legal counsel when updating these bylaws. Appropriate procedures must be followed to ensure that the new bylaws are legally sound; your attorney can help you make sure that all appropriate steps are taken.

Contact O'Donnell Law Center For Association Representation

We have experience working with the unique situations that condominium and homeowners associations face, and we are able to provide the rapid and effective responses required to address situations as they arise. For more information, visit our website or schedule your initial consultation by calling 573-552-0317.

We Carry Your Burden ~ You Carry On With Life.

Disclaimer: No attorney-client relationship is created by the publication of this blog.

The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely on advertising.

Phone: (573) 552-0317

O'Donnell Law Center, LLC
1026 Palisades Blvd. Suite 3
Osage Beach, MO  65065


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