End-Of-Life Decisions: Starting The Conversation
Though we know that we won't live forever, few of us want to think about the fact that we will one day pass away. However, it is important to think about what we want life to look like for our surviving family members once we are no longer around. Because this may be an unpleasant thought process, it can be difficult to open ourselves up to these types of conversations.
If you or a loved one is having trouble discussing end-of-life preparations, our estate planning firm in Osage Beach MO may be able to help. We frequently facilitate these types of conversations for our clients. Keep reading to learn more about how we can help you start the conversation.
End-Of-Life Decisions
There are a number of end-of-life decisions that should be addressed, and we have listed a few examples below:
Estate planning is vast and complex. The topics addressed during the estate planning process go far beyond the simple question of "Who gets my stuff?" - although that is certainly part of the process.
If you or a loved one is having trouble discussing end-of-life preparations, our estate planning firm in Osage Beach MO may be able to help. We frequently facilitate these types of conversations for our clients. Keep reading to learn more about how we can help you start the conversation.
End-Of-Life Decisions
There are a number of end-of-life decisions that should be addressed, and we have listed a few examples below:
- Who do you want to inherit your property?
- At what age do you wish your children to receive access to their inheritance?
- Who do you want to make end-of-life decisions on your behalf in the event that you become incapacitated?
- If something happens to you and your children are under the age of 18, who do you want to serve as guardian?
- Who will care for your pets if something happens to you?
- Who do you want to make healthcare decisions on your behalf in the event that you become incapacitated?
- How do you wish to divide your property and assets among those closest to you?
- Do you have a plan to provide for all of your close relationships? How will you ensure your assets are divided fairly?
- Is your estate sizable enough that you need to worry about minimizing tax burdens ?

Starting The Conversation
Having conversations that address these questions may not be easy. Sometimes, coming to an attorney's office with your spouse can help by introducing you to an environment that is conducive to these types of conversations. We can also give you tools to address the topic with your adult children on your own time.
Basic, cookie cutter wills and durable powers of attorney are available online and at low cost. However, our lives are not stamped out by a cookie cutter - everyone's family, circumstances and wishes are different and deserve to be treated as such during this important process. Our Lake of the Ozarks estate planning attorney can help you customize an estate plan to meet your specific situation.
Once you have the basic end-of-life decisions out of the way, you may want to address more complex concepts, such as:
Once you have the basic end-of-life decisions out of the way, you may want to address more complex concepts, such as:
- What makes you comfortable?
- What do you want people to remember about you?
- What legacy do you wish to leave behind?
Estate Planning At O'Donnell Law Center
Our goal is to help you think about end-of-life decisions that may not have yet occurred to you, but are nevertheless important concepts that deserve pre-planning and attention. Embracing the challenge that end-of-life conversations often present, we create a comfortable, trusting environment that is conducive to addressing these difficult topics.
If you would like to learn more about our estate planning services at the Lake of the Ozarks or schedule your initial consultation with O'Donnell Law Center, contact us via our website: www.ODonnellLawCenter.com
Disclaimer: No attorney-client relationship is created by the publication of this blog.
The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely on advertising.
Phone: (573) 552-0317
O'Donnell Law Center, LLC
1026 Palisades Blvd. Suite 3
Osage Beach, MO 65065
We Carry Your Burden ~ You Carry On With Life.
Disclaimer: No attorney-client relationship is created by the publication of this blog.
The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely on advertising.
Phone: (573) 552-0317
O'Donnell Law Center, LLC
Osage Beach, MO 65065
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