Do You Work From Home?

It is becoming more and more popular for organizations to allow their staff members to work from home. This is supported by the advances in technology. Some people hardly have to go into the office anymore. Allowing staff members to work from home has its pros and cons. Check them out below!


  • It helps to be self-driven and self-motivated to work from home. While you don’t have a commute, you have to start on time and work the required hours.
  • You work alone. Some people who work from home miss the camaraderie and gossip around the water cooler. You can’t “escape” the office to go home. When you work from home, your home is your office and your office is your home. For some, it can be hard to distinguish between the two.
  • There is a danger of overworking. When you work from home it’s possible that you may put in too many hours. Imagine you’re about to go to bed and you suddenly realize you forgot to send a few emails or take care of a task earlier that day.  It’s really easy to run into your home office and get sucked back into work.


  • There is no commute. When you work from home, you don’ have to worry about a commute or sitting in traffic every day. You are able to take care of more around the home when you can just wake up and start working.
  • You can work in whatever is comfortable. When you work from home, you don’t have to worry about getting dressed up every day since you will be working by yourself. Of course, when you have meetings or video conferences, you’ll want to dress as if you’re in the office.
  • If you are married or have children, working from home could be the best scenario for you. This allows you to focus during the day, get your work done, and then be at home to spend time with your family.
  • Some people work better when they’re alone. For some people, they are the most productive when they are in their own environment and don’t have any distractions. For these types of people, working from home is best for them.

Working from home is full of benefits and downsides. It just depends on the employee and employer. Andrea, our office manager works from home.  She joined us at the office this week for our Christmas party.

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Osage Beach, MO  65065


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