Probation vs Parole

It should come as no surprise that a criminal conviction has several undesirable consequences. In addition to hefty fines, individuals can face several years in prison if they are convicted of a serious crime. Fortunately, there are alternatives to serving a full prison sentence - probation and parole. Our criminal defense attorney at the Lake of the Ozarks is here to help you better understand the differences between the two.


A term of probation is one alternative to a prison sentence. Instead of being ordered to serve time in prison, individuals on probation typically must fulfill strict requirements, such as completing a certain number of community service hours, attending rehabilitation classes, submitting to drug and alcohol tests, and attending regular meetings with the probation officers to monitor progress.

If a person on probation fails to satisfy their probation requirements, their probation may be revoked and a prison sentence may be imposed. The decision of whether or not probation should be revoked and a prison sentence imposed typically is made by a judge after a hearing and opportunity to be heard on the circumstances of the probation violation and whether or the the violation occurred.  


Parole occurs after an individual has served a substantial portion of their jail or prison sentence in confinement and is being released from confinement to serve out the rest of his or her sentence in the community. As with probation, individuals who are on parole are usually required to follow strict rules and to meet with his or her parole officer regularly throughout the term of parole.

While on parole, an individual may also be required to live in halfway house for a period of time. A halfway house is a center designed to help former prisoners gradually readjust to life in the community.

Parolees who fail to meet the requirements assigned to them may be ordered to return to prison to fulfill the remainder of their sentence.

Deirdre O'Donnell ~ Your Trusted Criminal Defense Attorney

If you are facing criminal charges, your criminal defense attorney in Camden County MO will work tirelessly with you to achieve a satisfactory outcome.  If you would like more information on defending criminal charges at the Lake of the Ozarks, visit our website or call us at 573-552-0317.
We Carry Your Burden ~ You Carry On With Life.

Disclaimer: No attorney-client relationship is created by the publication of this blog.

The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely on advertising.

Phone: (573) 552-0317

O'Donnell Law Center, LLC
1026 Palisades Blvd. Suite 3
Osage Beach, MO  65065

(Located on the McDonald's Side of the Building)


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