Understanding Maintenance Laws
In Missouri, when a couple files for divorce, one of the spouses
may seek financial support from the other. This support, formerly referred to
as alimony, is known as maintenance. A judge may make a maintenance order when one
spouse cannot sustain living expenses and the other spouse is able to provide
financial support. To help you understand the laws related to spousal
maintenance, O’Donnell Law Center has outlined some points here. To continue
this discussion please contact our Lake of the Ozarks family law attorney.
When is Maintenance
A judge will determine whether a maintenance order will be
awarded after evaluating several factors, including whether the spouse requesting support has sufficient income and resources, and whether the spouse can become self-supporting with job training or education. A spouse may also require support if he or she is the parent of a
child, or children, who require in-home care and a job outside of the home
would be unsuitable.
How is Maintenance
There is no set formula for the
calculation of maintenance in Missouri, and it is determined on a case by case
basis. Some factors a judge will consider
include: duration of the marriage, whether one spouse has a disadvantage in
terms of education or career training, and/or the ability to pay and earning
capacity of each party. A judge may also take into consideration each spouse’s
conduct during the marriage and the age of the parties.
What is the Duration
of Maintenance?
Maintenance can be temporary, with a specific end-date, or it can end upon the happening of an event such as death or re-marriage, or it can have no pre-determined termination date, with the end-date to be determined at some point in the future.
Can a Maintenance
Order be Modified or Terminated?
If the court has determined that maintenance is to be
awarded, the judge will make the order modifiable or non-modifiable. Modifiable maintenance means the court can decrease,
increase, terminate or extend the support based upon a change of circumstances.
Under non-modifiable maintenance, the court will not modify the order. It is
not uncommon for non-modifiable maintenance to terminate upon the death of
either party or upon the remarriage of the receiving party.
How is Maintenance

Maintenance is not an absolute right, nor is it intended to
punish the paying spouse. These orders are intended to support a spouse after a
divorce and assure a reasonable style of living is maintained. For more
information relating to divorce, spousal support and maintenance laws, contact
the O’Donnell Law Center for an appointment.
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Phone: (573) 552-0317
O'Donnell Law Center, LLC
Osage Beach, MO 65065
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