Finding the Right Balance

There’s one thing a lot of working professionals have in common and that is trying to find a healthy balance between work life and personal life. A lot of people tend to put their personal lives and their own personal needs on the backburner. While your career is extremely important, taking some much-needed time off is just as important. That time that you take off will boost your time on.

Exhaustion does not lead to effective work.

When it comes down to taking that vacation, do it! Without having time to recover or to simply take a break, employees are susceptible to chronic stress and burnout. Both are caused by exhaustion. A vacation should be used as a productivity tool. Over time, work demands, and responsibilities build up and cause a loss of energetic resources which in turn lead to being stress. Vacation time helps rebuild those lost resources.

The keyword everyone should focus on is ‘balance’. Without balance, productivity goes out the window. Your personal life and vacation time are crucial in resupplying the resources that you need in your career and work life. They go hand in hand and work together as a team.

The past week, Deirdre took a vacation to Galveston, Texas and then made her way to Talihina, Oklahoma. Taking time away from work is a great way to take a step back and turn off the stressors at work. Coming back to work after time off gives you a fresh perspective and a clear head when thinking about your daily tasks. Check out some of these great photos from her trip!


As we are nearing the busy summer season here at the Lake of the Ozarks, it’s a good idea to keep balance in the back of your mind. It’s important to take some time off and step away from work. Whether it’s for a day or a week, your personal life and work life will thank you!

We Carry Your Burden ~ You Carry On With Life.

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Phone: (573) 552-0317

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1026 Palisades Blvd. Suite 3
Osage Beach, MO  65065


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