Ways to Celebrate Dad this Father's Day
Father's Day is coming up! June 17th is the day we honor all the great Dads out there! If you're looking for a fun and special way to treat that special man in your life, we have some great ideas! It's important to take time to make your Father feel special every day but Father's Day even more so. Take a look below for unique ways to celebrate Dad!
What's your Dad's favorite meal? Try your hand at cooking and prepare a dish he can enjoy. If he likes to cook, you can even spend time together preparing the meal together. It's a great way to learn from your Dad and make new memories together.
Grab your clubs and hit the course with Dad this Father's Day Weekend. There are a TON of local golf courses at the Lake of the Ozarks and we think Dad will enjoy playing a round with you! Make memories on the course and bond over your love for the game of golf.
How are you going to celebrate your Dad this year? With these fun Father's Day ideas in hand, you are sure to come up with the most special day for your Dad! No matter how you choose to celebrate, Dad will enjoy the time he gets to spend with you. Happy Father's Day to all the fantastic Dad's out there from the entire staff at O'Donnell Law Center!
Splash Around in the Water
With the warm temps upon us, playing in the water is a fun way to stay cool with Dad this summer. Whether it's boating on the lake, swimming in the pond, or splashing around at a local waterpark, try to incorporate water into Dad's special day to beat the heat.Catch a Baseball Game
Baseball is known as America's past time. If your Dad loves the game, watch the game with him. He's sure to enjoy spending time with his kids and an added bonus of watching his favorite sport will be a nice treat too! Whether you plan to catch a game in person or on TV, your Father will enjoy the gesture and bonus time with you.
Fix a Special Meal
What's your Dad's favorite meal? Try your hand at cooking and prepare a dish he can enjoy. If he likes to cook, you can even spend time together preparing the meal together. It's a great way to learn from your Dad and make new memories together.
Hit the Course
Grab your clubs and hit the course with Dad this Father's Day Weekend. There are a TON of local golf courses at the Lake of the Ozarks and we think Dad will enjoy playing a round with you! Make memories on the course and bond over your love for the game of golf.Plan a Camping Trip
If you and your dad enjoy being outdoors, spend his special day doing just that. Plan a camping trip to make new memories doing something you love together.Cast a Line
Fishing is a favorite past time for many. Take Dad to the river or lake and spend the afternoon waiting for a bite. You never know - you may learn Dad's signature tricks for catching all those fish!How are you going to celebrate your Dad this year? With these fun Father's Day ideas in hand, you are sure to come up with the most special day for your Dad! No matter how you choose to celebrate, Dad will enjoy the time he gets to spend with you. Happy Father's Day to all the fantastic Dad's out there from the entire staff at O'Donnell Law Center!
We Carry Your Burden ~ You Carry On With Life.
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Phone: (573) 552-0317
O'Donnell Law Center, LLC
1026 Palisades Blvd. Suite 3
Osage Beach, MO 65065
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