Ways to Prepare for Tornado Season in Mid-MO

Spring is a common time for tornadoes to make their way across the Mid-West. Destroying anything in their path, this weather occurrence is a scary and potentially devastating time for many. There is typically little to no time to prepare before a tornado hits your area, but there are ways to plan ahead for such a disaster.

Keep an Eye on the Weather

When storms are in the forecast, keep a close eye on the weather. If things look like they are taking a turn for the worse, go ahead and prepare your family to take cover. A weather alarm or radio is a convenient safety device to have in your home for weather warnings in your area.

Plan Your Actions Ahead of Time

Make sure your entire family has a plan in mind for action to take as soon as a tornado siren sounds. Many times, there’s just seconds to take cover in this instance and it’s best to have an upfront plan that everyone knows. This time of year, go over the plan so it’s top of mind for all of your family members. It’s best to take cover in an interior room on the lowest level of your home.

Ensure an Emergency Kit is Nearby

Keep an emergency kit in the room in which you would take cover if a tornado is in the area. This kit should include first aid items and non-perishable food items. Also, consider adding blankets or towels to this space for extra protection and warmth. Don’t forget to include a flashlight, as well. With major storms, the electricity will likely go out and may not return for many hours.

Keep Documents Safe

Ensure you keep all of your important documents in a safe. Birth certificates, social security cards, and your estate plan or will should all be kept safe in a fireproof safe. This can help protect this vital information if your home is unfortunately destroyed due to a natural disaster like a tornado.

Create an Estate Plan

Whatever your circumstances, it is always a good time to visit with an estate planning attorney.  We know that cookie-cutter estate planning forms, such as wills and durable powers of attorney, are available to you with the click of a button, at a cost that is next to nothing.  But our lives are not stamped out by a cookie-cutter and everyone’s family, circumstances and wishes are different and deserve to be recognized as such.  At O’Donnell Law Center, we deliver estate planning documents that incorporate your personal circumstances.

With tornado season upon us, it’s important to keep your family safe and prepared for the chance of a tornado making its way through our region. The future is unknown and it’s best to be prepared for whatever comes your way.

We Carry Your Burden ~ You Carry On With Life.

Disclaimer: No attorney-client relationship is created by the publication of this blog.

The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely on advertising.

Phone: (573) 552-0317

O'Donnell Law Center, LLC
1026 Palisades Blvd. Suite 3
Osage Beach, MO  65065


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