Peace of Mind

A married couple in their 80's brought their three adult daughters (who were a blend of step and full sisters) to the O'Donnell Law Center so that they could review with me the couple's end of life wishes and estate plan, so that their daughters could ask questions, and so that the couple could reinforce their expectations.  All of this was to avoid unnecessary "hiccups" when the time came for the couple's estate to be administered.

Sitting around the table,  with the parents on one side, the sisters on the other, and me at the head, we looked like we could have been sitting down for lunch.  Instead, we poured over documents.  The meeting took about an hour, and it was punctuated with questions and answers, a few tense moments, some giggles and a cleansing tear or two.  At its conclusion, those  beautiful daughters, sitting across the table from the parents they love so much, spontaneously locked their sister pinkies  in solidarity and pledged to their parents that when the time came for their powers to be activated under the estate planning documents, there would be no arguing, and that they would work together to put each-others' feelings first.

As this family posed for a quick pic and I clicked away at the camera, the sisters again hailed their pinky-locks in the air so that none of them could ever forget their commitment to one another and to their parents.  I hope to never forget this family's brave, bold and intentional approach to preparing for the final curtain that we all know will someday come.  What a gift these parents gave to their daughters - the opportunity to ask them, and get answers, to tough questions.....and what a gift these daughters gave to their parents - the peace of mind of knowing that "they've got this".

If you think you or your loved ones would benefit from a guided conversation about your end of life wishes, please give us a call.

We Carry Your Burden ~ You Carry On With Life.

Disclaimer: No attorney-client relationship is created by the publication of this blog.

The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely on advertising.

Phone: (573) 552-0317

O'Donnell Law Center, LLC

1026 Palisades Blvd. Suite 3
Osage Beach, MO  65065


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