Reasons to Establish a Prenuptial Agreement

Planning your life together as you enter into marriage is an exciting time. Although planning your wedding is a fun step to take together, there is much more to planning your future together. Depending on your unique situation, a prenuptial agreement (prenup) may be a good idea for your marriage.  Our Lake of the Ozarks attorney can help construct an agreement to help protect you if your marriage ends due to death or divorce. While it may not be the most romantic topic to discuss, it’s an important discussion that needs to happen, in certain circumstances. Learn a few reasons why a prenuptial agreement at the Lake of the Ozarks may be the right choice for you.

Couples with a Significant Income Differences

Getting married to someone who makes significantly more or less income than you do could create problems in the event of divorce. Without a prenup in place, and depending on several factors, a disparity in income between the parties may be a factor in awarding maintenance, which was formerly known as “alimony”.  A prenup can be helpful in pre-determining whether maintenance will be paid by one spouse to the other spouse in the event of a divorce.

Couples with a Large Amount of Debt

Just as spouses can enjoy the benefits of each other's income, they can also be responsible for each other's debts that are accrued during the marriage. If you anticipate that your partner will accumulate debt during the marriage that you believe you should not be responsible for in the event you eventually divorce, you may wish to establish a prenup that pre-determines how the debt will be handled in the event of divorce.

Couples With Children From Prior Marriages

Prenups can be used for scenarios beyond dealing with income, debt, and assets. If you have children from a prior marriage, for example, you can use your prenup in conjunction with your estate planning documents to dictate which of your assets will go straight to your children after you pass away (rather than going to your surviving spouse). Your prenup will not replace your estate planning documents, but it can be very helpful when taken in conjunction with other estate planning methods.

There are many potential reasons a prenuptial agreement can be a good idea for your marriage. If you’re wondering if you would benefit from such an agreement, contact O’Donnell Law Center to see if we can help you determine if a prenup would be a benefit for your unique situation.

We Carry Your Burden ~ You Carry On With Life.

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The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely on advertising.

Phone: (573) 552-0317

O'Donnell Law Center, LLC
1026 Palisades Blvd. Suite 3
Osage Beach, MO  65065


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